idolatry can & will destroy you.
One of my favorite films of all time is the movie NOPE by Jordan Peele. Peele is an incredible filmmaker and a great storyteller. I have raved about him and his films many times on Twitter, IG, and even TikTok. In his 2022 film, NOPE, he introduced us to many themes, but today, I want to talk about an underlining theme of the film and how that art regurgitated onto our TV screens this past week.
[this is where the spoilers start, if you don’t like them: RUN, OJ, RUN!]
In the film, #NOPE, there is a dangerous UFO (lovingly named Jean Jacket) lurking in the clouds looking to swallow and devour any and everything that gives it attention or looks at it. The brother-sister duo, OJ and Emerald, decide to capture the UFO on film in order to sell it to the media and save their family ranch. They hilariously call the film The Oprah Shot. To do this, they enlist the help of world-renown cinematographer, Antlers Holst.
After trying many times in one sitting, Antlers Holst's determination turned into an in-the-moment obsession. He was so determined to get “The Oprah Shot” of Jean Jacket (the UFO), that he literally broke protocol and allowed the UFO to take the film, the camera, and his life. Antlers no longer cared about his safety or the safety of others, he just wanted to get “The Shot.”
Does this all sound a lil’ familiar?
Like many of you, my television and social media feed has been clouded with nothing but stories, updates, and conspiracies over the OceanGate voyage to see the Titanic. I didn’t pay much attention to it, because I thought it was too ridiculous to ever be real. But once I saw that they went missing, I knew how real it could be. Once I heard that the ship imploded, my heart sank thinking of the victims and their families. But I couldn’t help but bare the questions of why and how? Why did this happen and how could it have happened?
This led the algorithm to do its thing and introduce me to every new TikTok video about science and every article about OceanGate on Twitter. But one that specifically piqued my interest was this one from @PopCrave:
I’ll be honest and say, I don’t know if this article made me feel worse about the accident or apathetic about the CEO. In a mini Twitter rant, I stated:
He literally ignored every protocol, every warning, everybody telling him “No” and ONLY focused on getting his “shot” of the Titanic. His fascination to turn into idolization and led to his and others’ demise.
This is what happens when we allow our fascination to turn into idolatry.
fascination → idolatry → sin
Lately, in my quiet time, I’ve been studying James chapter 1, verses 1-18. But verse 15 has been popping up everywhere for me last week and this week. I’ve kept it in my heart and mind so I can be reminded of it.. and it’s so interesting how it plays in this situation.
14 But each one is tempted, when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desires has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full grown, brings forth death.
When first reading these verses, I immediately thought of the most obvious sins: sexual lust, greed, lying, etc. But what about the sin of pride?
In researching pride, Northwestern University defined it as an “untamed lust of the heart.” says that Sinful Pride is an “attempt to be God.” Genesis 3:5 is an example of how Adam and Eve (knowing the law God set before them) instead chose to listen to the devil in hopes that they would become like God. Their desire to know more and be more turned into pride - which later separated them from God.
This is what happened with OceanGate’s CEO. He idolized the view of the Titanic (ENTICED). He DESIRED to see it for himself so badly that he ignored all protocols, warnings, and rules (LUST). That DESIRE turned into pride (SIN). Then, when it was time, it lead to DEATH. (James, Chapter 1, Verse 15)
Pride puts up blinders around you. Pride disregards the obvious, and instead focuses on the desires. Pride will destroy you.
Just like a child growing up and becoming an adult, pride can start as a baby sin (such as lack of correction) and evolve into a full adult sin (such as arrogance). They are all under the umbrella of pride. It is best to destroy it now before it destroys you.
I write this not as a way to scare anyone or to disrespect the deceased. I’m sure none of them truly knew what they were getting themselves into. But I do believe that we should put our pride aside before it leads us astray. Destroy the sin before it destroys you, because once that sin is full-grown, it takes over like a shadow, and I, personally, would rather live in the light.
Antlers Holsts, a fictional character, knew that he would die when he broke protocol in order to get “The Impossible Shot.”
Stockton Rush, a real-life man and the CEO of OceanGate, challenged the idea that his voyage would lead to death when he was warned multiple times.
Their pride cost them their life, what will you allow it to cost you?
May the victims of the OceanGate implosion truly rest in peace. May God comfort their families.