healing unexpected
When I first signed in, I was truly at my lowest.
Freshly stripped, yet freshly planted
In an unknown direction of where I was going.
I had no idea that no one was coming,
But I knew I had to stop myself from running.
Seek and you shall find the thing that you need.
So with no expectations, I joined a little group called CWP.
Morning after morning,
Week after week,
I logged in for just a little relief.
Then relief turned into release.
And release brought me some peace.
Then I realized the God I had been running from,
Was speaking directly to me.
With the support of a few,
My trust in God finally grew.
I learned that obedience
Required more than ONLY saying “I’ll follow you”
It required me stepping out of what I was used to.
Showing up in ways I’ve never had to.
Pushing through emotions that bandaged me to my past,
Cultivating friendships that will actually last.
Through the discomfort, spiritual maturity was formed,
And the unexpected healing was finally born.
A new person was formed when He saved me.
A new thing began within this ministry.
Friendships, Marriages, and Families
Were Created With Purpose.. a purpose indeed.
So shoutout to the Bundys,
And shoutout to the faithful few.
Thank you for sharing community
Through and through.
Because of this group, I’ve learned that I am free indeed.
I’ve abided in Grace, I received the healing that I need.
So God, I thank you for CWP.
And thank you God for returning me back to… me.