space + opportunity

here’s an in-the-moment poem that I wrote today that i feel like the Lord is telling me to share.

dedicated to: the coffee shop guy

in a moment,

we were there.

nothing splitting us apart.

the air we shared,

the space we were placed.

everything was silent but our hearts.

you looked and lingered,

i looked away

refusing to share a glance.

but admittedly,

i could take hours to stare

while you leave me in a trance.

my mind wandered.

my feelings raced.

my body couldn’t stand the space.

the connection faltered.

the moment you left

me alone in this place.

how could i be upset,

when the time was there,

and the opportunity to say hello?

but i don’t blame you

for staying quiet

because my eyes told you “no”.

you’re one of the few

i will remember,

as another opportunity that passed by.

i’ll remember you

as an inspiration

to try not to be so shy.


healing unexpected


idolatry can & will destroy you.